“Our children need our presence, not our presents.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Compassionate Gardener grew up in a world where nature and presence existed, but circumstances made them disappear over time.
Reasons could have been anything from parents divorcing, a death in the family or a move into the city with all those distractions that the connection with nature and presence got lost.
The Compassionate Gardener found gardening, and writing for Self…to dig in deeper to find out what the inner child may need to cultivate presence in life.
As an adult now, only You…can give and remind yourself of what your own very inner child needed when You grew up.
Remembering hereby that presents are all wonderful but to actually play with them together with someone that is present fully, and 100% there for You is just beautiful.

Take the Time…the Presence for You…your own inner child…in order to be there for those who are in need of your presence to grow up in a loving, and stable world!
They will thank You one day…as You will thank Yourself for having giving yourself presence ~ time ~ love to grow compassionately in order to be able to give back to those who are in Need thereof!
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