The Compassionate Gardener gives You a Gift to cherish…to look after.
This precious Gift from the Compassionate Gardener has a mission, and that is to uplift the Spirit …You!
Your Spirit ~ Life ~ Joy!
Know …You will always have the Compassionate Gardener’s Respect!
This Gift, however, nudges You to dig deeper into your own life…and garden…to find, and cultivate what it is You truly need for You!
Compassion for your Self!
Knowing deeply that living up to one’s own higher Self…spiritual Self… GIFT GIVEN…to Trust and Respect ~ to believe…can be challenging.
No doubt!
The Compassionate Gardener stands for growth ~ maturity ~ of inner Balance, and PEACE.
The Peace You need!
Now is a time to cultivate Mercy for your Self … You!
Forgive your Self!
Let go off what You think You know but do not know at all…and therefore, does not serve You what You truly need in your life!
Be brave to face the Unknown!
Face Your Fears, and rise up~ to the Spirit … Life … Joy… You are!

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