The Compassionate Gardener gives You what You need when You least expect it!
You need to Know Yourself…to know whether You have empathy for Self, and so for the other!
There is no need to beat about the bush any longer why some people treat You, and so others disrespectfully!
The Compassionate Gardener understands, and has the solution!
When You can Give Respect to everyone, including your own Self, there will be Peace !
The Compassionate Gardener can see clearly now why some people feel uncomfortable, and therefore triggered, in presence of a decent and smart human being.
This human being is authentic, and will simply say it as it is ~ whether some people can deal with it or not…Know authenticity will be good enough!
The times of belittling ~ controlling ~ disrespecting ~ down-grading ~ hurting ~ manipulating, and patronizing the strong and empowered Child that lives within, and also among You will stop here with Me!
The Compassionate Gardener does not tolerate unconstructive criticism or judgemental behaviour that undermines Self-Growth.
Self-growth needs Joy ~ Encouragement ~ Motivation ~ Respect – Safety ~ Peace to stand its own ground!
Here You will find where You start, and the other ends…with Trust and Respect for Self, You and so for the Other, Me!
Age, skin colour, sexual orientation, religion, political influences, life choices, your Past, likes/dislikes, your job … do not matter here!
What matters is your heart! How much, and deeply You truly love!
May your heart beat ~ give support ~ not only for You, but also… if not especially for those who are truly in Need of the diversity You bring!!
This truly is a place of support and encouragement!
Thank you!
Thank you
The Compassionate Gardener
Thank You! <3