There are some people that assume that accomplishment has to happen by a certain age!
These people are convinced that one is only a valuable asset to society when one has accomplished this or that in life by a certain age, and if not – you are unworthy of their time, effort, energy, etc.
That is truly and utter bullshit!
It is never too late for anything!
Growth takes time! Making Art takes time, and that can happen at any stage – at any age of life!
Don’t I just know it?!
That shame – that shaming! That pain I felt so deeply – projected onto me, often by those who felt insecure about who they are, and what they were or had created for themselves!
The guilt is a constant reminder!
When will I do this or that – just to please the eyes of another?!
When will I make a decision on which path to take – this one or another?
When will I be seen for me?
When will these people show me – give me also – what I need – the respect – to keep going on my own self-created path of life?
When will they stop devaluing – disrespecting me by disrespecting themselves?
When I have and am enough – and need to be me – my own Self-Respect!
When Shame does or cannot reach – nor hurt any longer because Shame is not something anyone would admit to being an accomplishment.
But we all know it! We have all felt it at some stage in our life, and it is indeed bullshit!
A Bullshit that is needed, and that for Your very own self- empowerment!
I have known Shame! I sat with Shame – and I felt it deeply in my bones, wherever I went, and it never felt encouraging, motivating or inspiring.
I understand Shame – and I respect it!
I can see that Fear clearly but that Fear is not mine, never was to begin with!
I had to shake it off, and do what feels right for me!
My female line has been supportive in spirit, something I will always be grateful for!
Yet, it has been those who are truly alive and kicking – unafraid – encouraging – empathic – that em-powered me on! 🙂
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