The Only Way In

My little granny, my mom, and me

“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.” Helen Keller

My Dear Grief
so brave,
To dive deep,
Facing humanity’s greatest fears:
To be not good enough, to be a failure,
To be unloved, unwanted.

But here we are.
Sit with it.
Feel it.
Allow what is to be.

Because there is no denial—
The change is upon us.
Upon me.

Heavy, dense emotions
pushing up to the surface.
Not for the faint of heart.

To provide a safe space,
Which is needed—
In me.
To have,
And be a home
To return to.

An escape
is an illusion.
I know too well.

Grief has told me many times:
Whenever you reach out—out there
To find support,
You are told:
“You are not alone.”

But, my dear grief,
You will find yourself very much alone
When you need another
To reflect back to yourself
What you are going through.

When the support does not come,
It will feel like rejection—
Not of the sadness,
But of the love hidden beneath.

The love that aches to be seen.

This grief,
This unspoken care,
Pushed down for so long,
Misunderstood as weakness
Or something to be feared.

I have carried it with me
for so long.

It is the weight of words unspoken,
Of love denied,
Of feeling misunderstood.

And when I reach out,
Hoping for a hand,
A mirror, a reflection—
I find only distance,
Closed doors,
People turning away.

They don’t know
That grief is not just sorrow.
It is unexpressed love—
A well too deep for them to fathom,
For they are afraid to sit
With the depth of my heart,
With the depth of their own.

Most will turn away,
Unable to sit
And feel with you.

Feel you!
Feel themselves.

Their hearts are numb,
Afraid to face loss.
Afraid to face the love
That exists in the midst of pain.
Afraid to touch the part of me
That has been waiting—
Waiting to be held.

So, sitting with the Unknown—

Makes you realize
That nothing,
Nothing is forever.

All is just for the moment—
A moment that fades.

So, my dear grief—
I sit with you.
Allow you to be,
Knowing that the only way out—
Is in!


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