There is so much coming up to the surface these days it can truly cause mental health issues when we have no way to cultivate a safe space for ourselves.
What I mean with mental health issues is that unresolved problems from the past are being pushed up from the dark to the light because it is high time to finally address and solve these blockages that hinder us from living an authentic life.
It is time to turn our inner soil, our Soul.
To do so a safe compassionate space to retreat to is needed, where those who want to heal their Soul can get in touch with their inner nature, who they truly are now.
I have begun researching and writing on my second book in February this year. It is going to be a memoir about my female line on my mother’s side, allowing me hereby to discover who was the woman I am today.
Undoubtedly, it was the journey to my self through compassionate Self-growth, and what I was lucky to learn about me on the way. The important & interesting places I traveled to and visited were simply a double- bonus.
I learned more about me and my past with distance from who I was in the past.
Growing up I was often considered this or that from too sensitive this, too sensitive that. I was often recommended jokingly to grow a thicker skin, and not to take everything too personal. There is nothing too this or too that!
I am sensitive, and I do not take everything personal knowing what concerns me and my life. However else can I take my life but responsibly?
People who claimed so were usually the ones in denial about their own hurts. While I dared to feel mine, they preferred to bury them deep, thinking that this would protect them when they turn a blind eye. From what? From feeling… anything? Nothing? Numb!
Well, I actually like to feel, taste, smell, listen…use all my senses – to be in touch with my inner nature. That’s the Spirit!
Be present in the here and now!
That allowed me to discover that anything in life is possible once I put my heart and Soul into something that has meaning!
It’s all about passion, love and joy for life!
That’s what I did.
I immersed myself in the English language so that English is my second, if not number One skin today that keeps me protected and grounded when the world around me demands the unnecessary of me.
English is my medium, my connector, to those who may not be able to speak my first language. English keeps life simple, especially when we want to grow compassionately our true and authentic Self.
I listen between the lines, and hear what’s not been said but wants to come out and up to the light.
I am that compassionate gardening writer of life that not only knows how to do companion planting, but also works like bridge over troubled water.
Only the other day I actually got the chance to say my farewells, and was consequently able to close a chapter to move forward in my garden of life.
I am filled with gratitude and love for the past issues that needed a safe space in order to be acknowledged and seen to finally evolve peacefully.
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